Well, here we are… March, March 8th to be exact. We all made it through one of the longest Januarys ever! We rebooted our new year welcoming “The Year of the Snake!” In its spirit, we are challenged to let go of what is no longer supporting our well-being! Shedding what is not helping us transform to the best version of ourselves with greater flexibility and less rigidity.
And to be vulnerable enough to do that… it takes courage, oh so much courage. And the level of courage I see from all of you daily inspires and pushes me when I cannot find it in myself.
Every day, we see you face your individual challenges, uncertainties, and obstacles that test your resolve. It is in these moments that courage emerges, not as a grand gesture, but as a quiet, steadfast determination to keep moving forward. Moving us all forward.
This courage is found in the small acts of bravery that we often overlook. It is waking up each day with the intention of being better than yesterday, to face our struggles head-on, and to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult, or we are the only person standing. It is the strength to speak out against injustice, to be vulnerable in the face of adversity, and to embrace our true selves without hesitation. Most importantly, it is when we use our voice not only for ourselves but for those who cannot use theirs.
Courage is the spark that ignites change. It breaks us free from the chains of doubt and fear and pursue our dreams with untiring conviction. It is the driving force behind every success story, every innovation, and every movement that has changed the world for the better. And it’s in all of YOU!
And Courage is CONTAGIOUS and can be a very simple action.
And now, here we are on March 8th, International Women’s Day. Over the past year, I cannot count the number of times we have teetered on going backwards, driven to points of speechlessness as events unfolded before us. We cannot just talk about change, we must ACCELERATE ACTION. It is with our collective courage that we must not stop. There is no back, only forward.
“There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a third power stronger than both, that of women.” — Malala Yousafzai
Today let’s celebrate those women who came before us to get us to today! And honor their courage by not resting where we are.
Now more than ever, let’s join our hands to stand stronger, more united, more diverse, more determined with our collective courage to step into the NEXT… TOGETHER!