Build Creative Confidence at the IPWS Leadership Summit

The IPWS Leadership Summit is not just another conference where you stay in your seat all afternoon listening to speakers. Recognizing how foundational Confidence is to the personal and professional growth of women, this year’s Summit curated content aims at building awareness and providing ideas and solutions so that women leave the Summit with practical tools that remind and activate Confidence within themselves and shared with others.

You’ll be actively engaging with fellow attendees throughout the afternoon, learning from two experienced Improvisation coaches how to apply improv techniques that will help you become a better communicator and a more confident leader.

This year we welcome back Elva Yao once again, and her colleague Lilian Shen.

Facilitator – Elva Yao

Elva Yao is one of China’s pioneers in adapting improv to applied learning for Chinese language learners.  Elva is a founding member of 芝麻控 Shanghai’s premiere Mandarin language improv performance team.

Her applied improv projects small group coaching, presentation skills development, team building and communication skills development.  She is skilled at applying active reviewing to applied improv to help learners link activities and principles back to their own work and personal lives.

She is a very experienced role play actor, she played multiple roles, such as difficulty customer, difficulty employee, lawer and manager ect. She is not only a good role play actor;she also use EEC to give participator feedback during role play.

Prior to her experience as a performer and applied improv coach Elva used improvisational skills and philosophy as a successful sales person in multinational and local Chinese companies.  Her experiences help her provide a bridge between western and Chinese business and theatrical practices.

Facilitator – Lilian Shen

Lilian has worked in cross-border mergers and acquisitions for some years in Shanghai. She has worked with major players from multinational corporations to startups in various industries (FMCG, Industrials, Tech Startups, etc).

Lilian is also a professional bilingual actor with Zmack Shanghai and Kaixin Mahua Theatre Group, China’s premiere professional Mandarin improv team. She is part of 4 active improv teams including Zmack’s Musical Improv Team.

Lilian is born in the UK and has lived in Singapore, California, Beijing and Shanghai since. She is adaptable and a natural cross-cultural communicator.

She is also the co-founder of Women Up! and Queer Talks. Women Up! is a networking event series catered to resource-sharing amongst professional women. Queer Talks is a bilingual discussion-based event to enhance intercultural communication.

Improvisational Theater is a theatrical art form in which the plot, characters and dialogue of a game, scene or story are made up in the moment, often based on audience suggestion. Most or all of what is performed is unplanned or unscripted: created spontaneously by the performers. However, the skills, processes and philosophy of improvisation are also used outside of the context of performing arts as Applied Improvisation, which takes improvisational communication principles and uses them for training, coaching and facilitation.

Join us this Friday – purchase your ticket through the table below, through the Clearcut platform, or by long-pressing the WeChat QR-code below:

Ticket Type Sales End Price
IPWS Member May 25, 2018 at 6:00 PM ¥ 650.00 CNY
Non Member May 25, 2018 at 6:00 PM ¥ 750.00 CNY
Group Ticket for 5 May 25, 2018 at 6:00 PM ¥ 3250.00 CNY
Group Ticket for 10 May 25, 2018 at 6:00 PM ¥ 6000.00 CNY
Ticket + IPWS Annual Membership May 25, 2018 at 6:00 PM ¥ 800.00 CNY


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Finnair China Logo IPWS Leadership Summit

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