Women-led communities are sprouting up all over the world, and Shanghai is no exception. At this time there are over 40 women-led communities throughout this city, which serve women locally and globally. On Wednesday night IPWS brought over 40 of these communities together to network, share ideas and learn from each other.

The highlight of the evening was the panel discussion, led by IPWS Board member Vanessa Narvios, and sitting on the panel; Michelle Li, Co-Founder of Ruiwen She Power Organization & Sorority China, Vy Vu, Product Development Manager for Camaieu and Community Manager for FitFam, and Eizelle Dee, Retail & Community Builder for lululemon athletica China.

The panelists are from very different backgrounds, leading very different communities, and yet there were many shared values, challenges and goals. As community leaders, the panelists, and many of the women in attendance, clearly strive to provide their community members with as much value as possible.

What does this look like? 

Michelle described community as a permeable membrane, in essence, resources, teachings, contacts etc. should all be able to flow through and trickle down to everyone in the community. If things are getting trapped at the top, you’re not providing value, and you’re not building a viable community.

So how do you know what is best for the community? Gathering feedback is one of the most important things you can do, according to Eizelle Dee. Listening to why people are coming to your events, and what they interpret they will be getting out it.

In line with listening to people, and putting feedback into action, you’ll need the right support in order to grow your community. Vy describes how FitFam, which has a team of about 80 volunteers who help keep events and workouts consistent throughout the year, encourages people to step up and help; “you have to ask.” Always ask, people won’t know there is a problem until you ask for help. You may be surprised how many people want to help, but just need a nudge.

As more and more community organizations form, it is important to remember that we are not in competition with one another. Each community exists because it is serving a purpose. For community leaders – figure out your role within the bigger picture, and realize that this may change. As Michelle put it, “don’t think so much about what you are trying to achieve yourself, but how you can collaborate.” If communities are able to support each other and find synergies we can all achieve much more.

IPWS is honored to have hosted so many incredible women all under one roof, and we look forward to future events and collaborations with the numerous women-led communities throughout Shanghai and China.

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