IPWS Conversations allow a small group of IPWS members to come together to talk about topics that matter for a balanced and successful professional life. This opportunity to learn, share, and build meaningful relationships is held under the guidance of a conversation leader.
For the May IPWS Conversation, we were fortunate to have Marion Campan, Founder and Managing Director at Intandid, talk with the IPWS community about some of the most important things to think about as we plan and execute career changes, including:
Why it’s important and how to define what success means for each of us as individuals
Understanding the different factors that may motivate us
Knowing what it takes to stick with a transformation plan and make long-lasting changes
Conversation Notes
Marion has dedicated 10 years of her career to understanding what makes people “click”, and in all her roles she has been keen to understand the behavioral psychology of her clients, peers, and team members. Here are just a few of Marion’s pieces of advice based on her wealth of experience:
Be clear about what your own definition of success is so that you can assess whether you’re making the right changes. What are your respective measures of success for your physical, financial, emotional, and mental wellbeing?
One exercise that you can do is to make a list of 100 of your accomplishments in your life. This will help you clarify what success means to you. (And it’s also a reminder to celebrate your accomplishments to date
Understanding what your primary motivating factors are is also important when you define the direction of your transformation and your goals. Are you primarily motivated by growth, community, fear, power, or something else?
It typically takes anywhere between 18 days to one year for a long term change to solidify, and many relapses may occur during this period. Failed attempts are normal, so don’t be disheartened — persistence is key.
Remember to enjoy the process, irrespective of how far or close you are from your goal.
Thank you for joining the IPWS Conversation, and we look forward to seeing you at our next event!