IPWS Thought Activator with Dr. Agnieszka Kucharska-Bielewicz


Mastering a woman’s lifestyle means understanding yourself, learning constantly, and adjusting to what you need and what’s happening in your life. It involves:


1.Taking care of your physical and mental health.

2.Always trying to improve and learn new things.

3.Setting goals for your career and working toward them, whether that means moving up in your job, becoming an expert in something, or starting your own business.


Everyone’s journey to mastering their lifestyle is different. It’s about figuring out what works best for you, staying true to your values and goals, and growing and changing as life goes on.



•18:30 check in

•19:00-20:00 presentation/discussion

•20:00-21:00 networking


About Dr. Agnieszka Kucharska-Bielewicz


Dr. Agnieszka I. Kucharska-Bielewicz is a specialist of Internal Medicine with more than 20 years of experience. She obtained her medical degree of General Medicine from Medical University in Poland, where she got further training and license as an Internal Medicine specialist. She also obtained a Family Medicine license from Essex University from London. Having graduated in Integrative Nutrition from New York in 2018, she is also a certified Health Coach.

Being educated in Europe and living more than last 10 years in China, Dr. Agnieszka enthusiastically combines the best practises of conventional medicine with a holistic approach to balance body welfare with style of life. For this purpose, she studied Stanfords Science Nutrition and is in the process of completing her Life Style Medicine specialisation. In her practise she is focused on taking care of women in their menopausal period and patients with problems due to life style management.

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