[Recap] Mind Mapping Workshop by Jessica Gleeson

Last week, IPWS organized an invigorating workshop led by Jessica Gleeson. The focus? Equipping ourselves with the essential skills and mindset needed to excel in interviews and navigate our career trajectories with confidence. 


It was a lively session full of group activities and discussions that kept us engaged. Here’s a recap of the workshop.


Engagement and Interaction:


From the outset, the workshop exuded energy and interactivity. Jessica’s approach involved breaking us into small groups, fostering an environment where everyone felt empowered to contribute. We were encouraged to articulate our career aspirations, all within a structured time frame that kept the momentum alive. This format ensured that each participant had a voice and actively participated in the learning process.


Mapping Success:


One important part of the workshop was learning about mind mapping. This is a useful way to see our skills, interests, and career goals visually. With guided activities, we thought about our strengths and areas to improve. By drawing out our dream jobs and preferred companies, we got a clearer picture of where we want to go in our careers. This activity not only motivated us but also helped us focus on our goals.


Ace Interviews:


Jessica taught us a smart method for tackling interviews called the SAARI Method. It’s all about setting the scene, analyzing, acting, and showing results, with a sprinkle of personal flair.

Situation: Setting the context of the scenario (10%)

Analysis: Demonstrating strategic thinking and problem-solving skills (40%)

Actions: Describing the specific actions taken in response to the situation (40%)

Results: Highlighting the tangible impact of our actions (5%)

Interesting Information: Adding a personal touch or unique insight (5%)


What We Learned:


Apart from the practical tips, we gained valuable insights on embracing challenges and growing in our careers. It left us feeling ready to tackle our next steps with confidence.





The workshop with Jessica was a hit! It armed us with practical tools and a fresh outlook on our career journeys. We’re excited to put our newfound knowledge into action and chase our dreams with clarity and gusto.


Thank you Jessica!

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