These Work-From-Home Food Hacks Will Change Your Life

This month, long time IPWS supporter and Corporate Member, Epermarket, shares some work-from-home food hacks that will be useful to many in this challenging time of Covid-19. Epermarket is a an online super market for internationals to buy the food they love, from a source they can trust.

Working from home gives one a lot of freedom, but most of the time, it’s almost too free. For starters, the structure and rules of a traditional office environment are harder to apply at home, and without societal norms and cues from other co-workers, it’s easy to graze on chips and candy, or not eat at all. So if your WFH (Work From Home) food choices are less than stellar, we’ve got a few ideas to help you eat a balanced diet. Below, a few steps you can take to maintain your productivity, balance, and sanity!




Meal prep tends to go hand-in-hand with office jobs that don’t exactly provide easy access to nutritious meals. But with the rise of people working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak, meal-prepping will help you maintain momentum, and foster a sense of routine. Here’s how to make the process work for you:

  • You can start by prepping a bunch of ingredients like veggies, proteins, beans, grains, and sauces to mix and match as you go through your week.
  • You can also make a big batch of something and eat from it throughout the week: soups, stews, casseroles, fridge-friendly salads, and pasta dishes are all great choices.

One of the upsides is you will have more flexibility with meals: you can decide what you’re in the mood for rather than having just one option waiting for you. Think of it like you’re turning your fridge into a salad or stir-fry bar where you customize the add-ins you want. Not only will you reap the benefits of having your food cooked, portioned, and ready to eat, but you’ll have sole control of the microwave (or stove) meaning you don’t have to wait in line.


Not sleeping until the last minute, allowing you time for breakfast

Besides trying to get up earlier, which many of us are not at all capable of, there are a few things you can do to help with this. As with any meal planning, it’s important to have a handle on the type of eater you are. Ask yourself how you ate when you did work in your office, and pay attention to what you first crave in the morning. If you like to start your day with a coffee and pastry, set up the coffee pot the night before and buy a frozen batch for the week. For a healthier breakfast option, opt for a bowl of granola!



Stock up on some fruit

Endless eating is a risk when one is left to their own devices. The best defense against this is pre-portioning your snacks out and trying to limit your chip and candy supply to one or two items and stock up on some seasonal fruits like cherries, tangerines, and strawberries!



Set the mood

Culture tends to glamorize the desk lunch (or in some professions, working through lunch). But taking a * legit * lunch break can help you recharge. At home, you’ll have benefits like enjoying your food off of real plates and with proper cutlery.



Now that you have more of an idea of how to start your WFH week you can begin your adding items to your shopping cart! Good luck!

The idea behind Epermarket has always been simple: a place for internationals to buy the food they love, from a source they can trust. They place quality and safety first, with all products curated by professionals, all passionate about food and living a healthy life. Whether you are looking for fresh fruit and organic vegetables, pantry favorites or even home care products, Epermarket has everything you need.



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