EVENT RECAP: Applied Improvisation Techniques Workshop

Last week on October 25, we had the great pleasure to host an exciting workshop about Applied Improvisation Techniques with the brilliant improv coach Elva Yao from Zmack. What a night it was, brimming with positive energy and leaving all of us with practical tips and inspiration that can be applied to everyday work situations.

Some of our event participants were kind enough to share their thoughts about the workshop. So a big thank you to Paula Mueller and Line Juul, as well as everyone else who attended! Also, thank you to EF – English First for hosting the event at their gorgeous Shanghai Office. And don’t miss more photos further down on the page.


Paula Mueller: 
““Walk like a queen”, demands trainer Elva in a playful tone that makes about 40 women and a wonderful man straighten their backs, lift up their chin and start walking like they’ve all been transformed into Queen Elizabeth II overnight. I am one of them. The event I am talking about is called ‘Applied Improvisation Techniques for Leadership’ and it happened the other day. I personally think this should be one of those activities on every leader’s calendar… Every leader that is striving to increase a team’s performance, boost creativity and create a positive energy in the team will recognize the positive impact improv has and will incorporate it in their professional life as a management tool.

My biggest take away from this event, was how easy it is to convince people to come out of their shell and provide valuable input. People that are usually afraid to stand in the spotlight. People that in a conventional meeting would never dare to express their true opinions out of fear of rejection. People that are highly talented. The ideas that will come from them will surprise us in the most pleasant and unexpected way.

During the workshop we came up with incredible product ideas collaborating with absolute strangers. The synergy was fantastic. Now imagine what can come out of a team that perfectly understands the product, the company and its scope.

If you don’t want to become more knowledgeable, polish you managerial skills and receive the support of a strong community of professionals, don’t become a member of IPWS. ☺

As B. Franklin used to say: ‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.’

Thank you IPWS for the opportunities you provide.

Best wishes,
Paula Mueller
Proud member of IPWS”


Line Juul: 
“I participated in an event about improvisation and leadership. Improvisation is far outside of my comfort zone and therefore well worth for me to explore. The format of a workshop was great, as I was engaged, participated and build my own experience. Doing rather than “just” listening. I discovered that what I perceive as “silly play” can entice people to assume other roles than expected, and that is valuable in an organization when you need to spot talent, focus on your people’s development and lead. I got inspiration for how I can think differently in my own company.”


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